We are going to explore all the various ways to "pleasure one's self". I want everyone to come to the show with an interesting story or comedic way to "you know what". Take a look at some of the polls my viewers made below. Also you can make a poll @ PollsB.com and I'll discuss it during the show.
Also, leave a comment. I want everyone to come up with a few "terms" for masterbating. ie.."polishing the nob" or "double clicking the mouse" just to name a few...
What is masturbating?
Lube Tube - Broadcast your self LIVE
The first poll is from Passthejelly
The question is "What is your favorite way to masterbate?
Most chose
Rosie palmer... AKA: my own hand.
Most did.
The second poll is from Overniteow
The question was Where was your favorite place to masturbate?
Most people chose
Stretched out on the bed.
Most did
The third poll is from Tom79
The third question was just Just titled Masturbation.
Most chose
Masturbates myself with cream while watching porn.
Most did.
Before you do... watch my videos.
some very valuable info there, don't miss it.
Dangerous Lubes.
Dangerous Lubes - Broadcast your self LIVE
Does The president masturbate?
Bush Masturbating - Broadcast your self LIVE
Greasing the stick
Buttering the corn
Ketchup on the Hotdog?
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